“I don’t know what is my passion” is something that comes out a lot in my conversations. Recently I was having a chat with a Friend online. The conversation went a little like this.
Friend: Sam, I envy you. You seem to know what you wanna do. I have no passion for my work and I dread going to work every day.
Me: What do you mean?
Friend: It’s like, you are so passionate about everything you do. It must be great being so full of passion and so sure all the time
Me: And where did you get that idea from?
Friend: Your Instagram! Your Facebook post! You have the life that I will gladly quit my job. You always feel so sure in life!
Me: Oh no you don’t! And if my life is limited to what I post on social media, I will be very envious too.
That being said, Instagram is curated according to what you want to portray to the world. But more often then not, most of the post I share is actually a reminder to myself first, then sharing it online in hopes that it will encourage others as much as it has encouraged me.
But that being said, let’s talk passion! So what is my passion and how do I see passion nowadays
I am one of those people who
This word ‘passion’, feels like an elusive creature who seems to run away when I was so sure I got it. But what exactly is a passion? And sometimes that word becomes a dirty little word.
Recently I was listening to a podcast by Mel Robbins and she touched on it and it clicked in my mind. She said passion is simply an activity that gives you energy and excites you. It is not a fixed activity, person, place or thing. So don’t over think it! It is simply energy.
Here is a link to Mel Robbins’s video talking about passion. This woman inspires me every day!
So for example, Mel said in her video, that if you are excited Everyday to go to work, the work is not your passion. The reason your job energizes you might be because you are excited and it is new, or that you have a great boss or colleague and team.
But if one day, your awesome boss leaves the company, and replacing him is a jerk that micromanages, causing the team to fall apart. Now you will start dreading going to work. You will “lose passion” of the job. So the question is, is your job your passion in the first place? Maybe not.
If you are passionate about money, money generating ideas and activities might motivate and energize you. If you are passionate about teaching, activities that help you to teach better, or a new process to make learning more efficient might energize you.
So what is MY passion? Or what energizes and excites me? As my name suggests (Samantha means ‘the teachable one’), learning new things energizes and excites me. Especially learning a new craft.
“But can I have more than one passion?” you ask? Of cos! Some people might enjoy gaming and others might enjoy cooking, some enjoy both! These are activities that energize you and at the end of the activity, you feel happier. Mentoring and coaching does energize me too!
So instead of getting stressed out over finding your passion, having this slight change of mindset does wonders and simplify this elusive creature.
Hope this little post help in the age-old question and do have a look at my other post about ways to find my passion, as well as a short checklist I always ask my friends when they tell me they are about to leave their jobs to pursue their passion.
So in case you don’t hear this from anyone else today, I am here to remind you that you are precious, you’ve got this and it just takes being 1% better every single day to live the better life you always wanted! I love you and God bless!
Love, Samantha